Quick Link: Al Capp’s FBI File


Friday, October 29, 2010

Did you know that Al Capp’s FBI file (in slightly redacted form, alas) is available online? Go here.

An excerpt:

Both Al Capp (also known as Alfred G. Caplin) and John Kenneth Galbraith are, of course, well-known to the Bureau. In the past, Capp has been praised by the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) and its publications for some of his comic strips which have implied, among other things, that the American economy was being mismanaged by vicious tycoons, that several persons were converted to outcasts because of questioning concerning them by government investigators and like matters. In 1961, a Congressman criticized Capp for unfair attacks on law enforcement officers in his comic strip, “Li’l Abner,” and, that same year, Capp wrote in a column that during the 1930’s he was too poor to pay a membership fee in a social club that turned out to be the Young Communist League.

God forbid anyone think that the American economy was mismanaged by tycoons.


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