Starting to Happen


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh my, what’s this? A preview of Sounds and Pauses: The Comics of David Mazzucchelli curated by yours truly? Could it be? iPhone photos have a wonderful way of obscuring detail (or at least mine do) so I’m not giving too much away here. Anyhow, it’s now up and viewable at MoCCA and there’s an opening reception June 6, 7-9 pm. The show, which I’m really quite proud of, features work from throughout David’s career, with a special focus on the art for his forthcoming book Asterios Polyp. David designed the exhibition itself, making it a wonderfully immersive experience. There’s work here that even the most hardcore Mazzucchelli obsessive will find surprising. Anyhow this 4-month long process has confirmed David’s unique comics genius for me, and I couldn’t be more pleased to be involved. So, here are a few blurry pix of the show…

That’s it. The above 3 are of course details of the installation. You have to go see it to put all the pieces together. And keep an eye out at the MoCCA festival for David’s wonderful exhibition poster.

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9 Responses to “Starting to Happen”
  1. Benjamin Marra says:

    Congrats, Dan! Can’t wait to check out the show.

  2. looka says:

    A reason to be in America. Will there be a catalogue?

  3. Frank Santoro says:

    You didn’t show me these photos, Dan! Get more photos of those color seps from Discovering America!

    wow, looks awesome, man. I bet DM is happy.

  4. Dan Nadel says:

    Yes. A reason to be in America. I was planning on fleeing the country June 5, but now I better stay!

    @Frank: I keep many things from you. I’m a withholding monster. There are other examples of color seps, yeah. It’s a very edumucational show.

  5. ramon says:

    are they making a book? will the exhibition poster be for sale?! 😀

  6. Dan Nadel says:

    No catalog, but the exhibition poster will be for sale (with my essay on the back) will be for sale, I believe, at the festival for a price to be determined.

  7. looka says:

    The misterious Art-Poster is coming back, telling of a great, great show as the only evidence!

    I will have to send agents to get it…

    I think, it was at least 14 years ago when I last saw DM’s drawing on a exhibition. And that was on Fumetto/Luzern. He had some very large Marvel Daredevil work there and I BELIEVE Rubber Blanket. But it all is pretty long ago.

  8. Jason Overby says:

    man, I wish I could go to that show. I'm re-reading Year One right now, and it's SO good (the colors are incredible!)! He's one of those guys that it's worth seeking out the short stuff for (like Rates of Exchange in D&Q or especially Phobia in the radical Snake Eyes). I hope there's a collection of all that stuff some day (I'm so bummed that my collegiate comics purge divested me of Rubber Blanket #2).

  9. Inkstuds says:

    You guys have no idea how much i would love to see that show. ballz i say. BALLZ.

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