Placeholder a/k/a The Face of Shame


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Okay, now that Jog has thoroughly exposed me as a lazy fool (by the way, Joe: you’re fired)—and now that I’ve read the second issue of Neonomicon myself (which I liked, but hooboy), I really have to get this CCCBC thing moving. In my defense I got sidetracked by various super-important historical issues, and only Joe’s post derailed me from my planned 50,000-word essay contemplating the aesthetic and political influence of R.F. Outcault on 1980s phenomenon Shirt Tales. So you’ve been spared that at least.

For now, I’ll finish up The Courtyard tonight, and then on Monday we can discuss the first two issues of Neonomicon. If you want to participate, your required reading includes the aforementioned comics, Jog’s post, and the videos Jog linked to within his post (which I found unconvincing, but feature a lot of good ideas all the same). Future posts will be closer to a discussion than a lecture, I hope, though it’s possible I have already irrevocably ruined the whole thing. Anyway, until tonight.

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6 Responses to “Placeholder a/k/a The Face of Shame”
  1. BVS says:

    just watched that video, and I’m really not buying any of what it’s selling. the balloons are allowed room to escape ?
    “diegetic panelisation”?
    I never heard that term before, sounds like the title of a black metal song.

    • T. Hodler says:

      I had a problem with that part, too. Also where he talked about how “fucking” scary the comic is. But let’s save it for Monday, or this will all be too pathetic.

      • Eh, I don’t agree with everything in the video(s) either, I ought to clarify, but I do think he’s on to something in identifying imprisonment (so to speak) as a crucial motif… and certainly by the end of issue #2 Burrows is framing his panels a lot of the time to mimic an in-story enclosed space…

  2. Jeremy says:

    And I though Jog had taken over the CCCBC!

    I did just pick up the Courtyard, so I’m ready to follow along.

  3. bobsy says:

    The bits where he does the American accent for Scott McCloud are ‘fucking’ funny.

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