Paging Real Deal Productions…


Saturday, May 16, 2009

I’m looking for the men behind Real Deal Magazine: Lawrence Hubbard and R.D. Bone. They published at least 5 incredible comic books between 1989 and 1996. And then … nothing. There’s a great interview with them online here but nothing else. If you’re out there, get in touch with me at dan (at) pictureboxinc (dot) com.


15 Responses to “Paging Real Deal Productions…”
  1. Lyrthas says:

    Brian Ralph showed me an issue of this once. Totally incredible stuff!!

  2. Evan says:

    The initials “WTF” were created for those comics. Have you ever seen a comic called The Adventures of Rank Johnson? “He does the jobs the cops can’t handle”. Semi-similar-sorta vibe, iirc. Working at The Fantastic Store/Jim Hanley’s back in the day had many advantages, one being they ordered practically everything, from this to The Quadro Gang to Solson’s line. Comics’ true Batshit Age.

  3. Dan Nadel says:

    Oh my lord that is the web site of my dreams. Wow. Now to get to “work”.

    Evan, Santoro loves Solson’s. Never seen Rank Johnson, though.

  4. Evan says:

    I would have thought Frank dug the Solson’s. The only publisher to run ads in their books offering piranha through the mail. Thems was times.

  5. Dan Nadel says:

    We can only hope the current reprint boom sweeps right up through the 80s. A best of the black and white boom would be kind of amazing. Kind of.

  6. The Inkwell Bookstore says:

    I interviewed them once for my old fanzine. They talked like their characters. It was simultaneously intimidating and endearing.

  7. Eric Reynolds says:

    Johnny Ryan told me that Glenn Bray tracked one of those guys down and sadly, one of them (I think the artist) died in an automobile accident. Glenn would be the guy to talk to, Frank.

  8. Frank Santoro says:

    This is DAN’S post. Why is it often assumed that it’s me when we post about retarded comics?

  9. Dan Nadel says:

    Heh heh, because, Frank, you’re the patron saint of retarded comics. Embrace it!

  10. knut says:

    I smell Art Out of Time Vol. 3!


  11. tomN! says:

    whoops… i was wrong. Tim Goodyear used to sell these at cons, and may still have some Slop Burgers.

  12. Jamie S says:

    Bah! It was you guys who grabbed the Real Deals from the Beguiling! I found some Friday when we got to TO, deferred picking them up then and there knowing I’d be back, and they were gone by Sunday when I passed by on my way to dinner. Noooooo!

    Real Deal = Real LAFFS

  13. Frank Santoro says:

    Blame Dan, Jamie. Not me. It’s always Dan’s fault.

  14. Ron Regé, Jr. says:

    I met these guys in person at more than one convention. I believe the first time was at Wondercon in Oakland – 97 or 8 or nine. They had a table, and then at San Diego once. If I remember this vaugely, then perhaps Devlin, or Ralph, or somebody from GR remembers it more clearly? They always seemed skeptical of my sincerity when I would tell them how psyched I was about what they did. They didn’t want to be made fun of.

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