Daisuke Muroi


Sunday, March 1, 2009

My buddy brought home this anthology from Japan called Fellows. 708 pages of run of the mill manga except for Daisuke Muroi. Awesome stuff. I thought I’d scan the most interesting sequence.

Two 2-page spreads that are a “ballet of violence” to use an old Van Damme-ism. (Sorry I can’t arrange them as spreads. My scanner is too small and I don’t feel like making them spreads in Photoshop.) I looked the guy up online and found nothing. Only me writing about him over at Robot 6 this morning. Maybe I didn’t look hard enough. Anyone who wants to track down some awesome “different” manga, check this guy out.

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14 Responses to “Daisuke Muroi”
  1. Ray Sohn says:

    cool shit!

  2. looka says:

    Ewww! Looks great. The last page has it…

  3. Ryan Cecil says:

    This is my new mission

  4. Frank Santoro says:

    Yah, please unearth all those issues of Fellows, Ryan!!
    Just xerox ’em for us!

  5. Frank Santoro says:

    I mean just the Muroi stuff, ha. Don’t go xeroxing all 708 pages of each anthology!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Holy Crap!

  7. noel troll says:

    wow, great find!

  8. Bill Randall says:

    Not much online.

    He has a 4-panel strip, “Monster Researcher Yoshimura.” Click on the panels to page through. Nothing like Blasted, though. He's only got a couple of books out.

    But what am I supposed to be seeing here that's so great? Is there more to it you haven't posted? Or is it just that he's got the only crude & violent style in 700 pages of polish?

  9. Frank Santoro says:

    It’s “bad”. Raw. Really stands out to me. In a 708 page book it really looks “crude” and “raw” and old school and “forward” at the same time. To me.

  10. Ryan Cecil says:

    “Ask… and your dawg shall retrieve!”

    Check out this set from Fellows 2. I found a couple books by Daisuke Muroi, which I’ll post online on Monday after I ask my coworkers about them.

    “Now where’s my prize?”

  11. Ryan Cecil says:

    PS I wouldn’t call the rest “run of the mill” by the way!

    This is a MUCH better anthology than the weekly phonebooks for sale at the train station. Shit, they give “run of the mill” a whole new meaning… The stories and styles in Fellows are all pretty diverse, the drawings are good, and they read really well, IMO.

    But, nah, not scanning 708 pages.

  12. Frank Santoro says:



  13. Bill Randall says:

    Okay, I'll buy it, esp. with Ryan's scans. Very minimal, grinding. Kind of Danelectro through a Crate amp.

    Especially since the dude's gonna dispose of the body with quicklime.

    Frank, have you read Bakune Young? Kind of like Muroi played by Yngwie.

    & I haven't seen an issue yet, but Ryan's totally right about Fellows– there's some good stuff in there. I especially like Aki Irie (????) and Akino Kondoh (????).

  14. Ryan Cecil says:

    Here’s 2 more books by Muroi:


    I really like that this guy also does a cutesy strip like Yoshimura, but his action story Inujinin isn’t all that interesting, you know, at least when you can’t understand the words.

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