sunday sunday


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Do Atlas Comics have the best logos, or what?

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10 Responses to “sunday sunday”
  1. nsatkinson says:

    Sure do… they really manage that balance between professionalism and “making it up as we go along.”

  2. by Michael DeForge says:

    That “Destructor” logo is amazing!

  3. Anonymous says:

    post some reviews, Frank!

  4. Frank Santoro says:

    drawing drawing, no time for blogging

  5. dylan sparkplug says:

    Who did them? I remember reading about it in Comic Book Artist, I think?
    Anyway, yeah, they were amazing.
    I’m really into the Grim Ghost, a supernatural chiller.

  6. Rodrigo Baeza says:

    “Who did them?” The company was started by Martin Goodman (Marvel’s owner from 1939 to 1971). He apparently offered quite attractive rates at first, which is why many freelancers started working for Atlas (despite threats of blacklisting from Marvel).

  7. dylan sparkplug says:

    I mean, who did the logos?

  8. Derek Rogers says:

    “Who did the logos?”

    An unsung hero of comics – Gaspar Saladino!

  9. T. Hodler says:

    Derek Rogers, you’re my hero. And so is the Dial B For Blog guy.

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