Vice Interview


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Frank and I agreed to an interview with Vice magazine, and it’s been posted online. I guess it went okay.

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20 Responses to “Vice Interview”
  1. Dustin Harbin says:

    “That’s another reason we look like we know so much: most people who’re into comics are idiots.”

    HEE-HAW! That last line is a SLAYER! Seriously, I can hear “South of Heaven” playing as I’m looking at my computer monitor.

    ALSO: my CAPTCHA word is “enting”, which as any Tolkien fan knows, is NOT a young Ent (an “Entling”), but the act of creating a young Ent (“Oh man she’s BUILT for enting”).

    Who’s the idiot now, Tim Hodler?

  2. T Hodler says:

    I guess I’m the idiot, Dustin, since I had to look up “CAPTCHA” on Google to have any idea what you were talking about. But I don’t actually pick which CAPTCHAs are used, so I guess we’re both a little dim.

  3. Frank Santoro says:

    homer simpson purr: “mmmm. south of heaven”

  4. blaise says:

    Avant-garde 20th Century American Art? Like what?

  5. Frank Santoro says:

    uh, let’s see off the top of my head: Robert Henri, John Sloan, Stuart Davis, Charles Burchfield, Alice Neel, Romare Bearden, Ray Johnson, Phillip Guston, Jim Shaw –all of whom were “avant-garde” before being absorbed into the mainstream –their work is distinctly American.

  6. Frank Santoro says:

    wait, what does “Love it. wife.” mean Dan? haha

  7. T Hodler says:

    Yeah, that is weird. What does that mean?

    Oh, and Dustin — you probably realized I was just joking when I initially responded to you by calling you dim, but just in case you didn’t, I was.

  8. I.M.A. Pelican says:

    Its the new way of saying “I Love it”…
    with extra sincerity.

    A:I Love This Interview….
    B: Why Don’t you marry it?
    A: Why not. Love it. Wife.

  9. Dan Nadel says:

    Whoops, that “wife” was actually that annoying “verification code” you have to punch in — I typed it in the wrong spot. I guess comics fans are idiots afterall. Or at least I am for sure.

    Point is, I liked the interview and cheer it in absentia.

  10. Dustin Harbin says:

    Dan: that verification code is called a CAPTCHA. Please tell Tim this.

    Tim: Unfortunately I did not realize it was a joke, and have sent a troop of Ents to lay siege to your wizard-tower. My mistake.

    Frank: I think I have problems with your assertion that anything is better when it’s making fun of the establishment, as it seems to relegate art to gadfly status. Unfortunately I wasted all my morning brain power on Tolkien jokes, and “relegate” and “gadfly” are the smartest things I can come up with.

  11. Frank Santoro says:

    wait, Dan erased his weird typo so now none of our responses make sense. Sort of like the Vice interview.

    Yah, yah, I know, it’s not always best to make “fun” of the established order but look at, say, the Beats, or Dada, even tho’ there is a seriousness there, the “movement’ is levened (sp?) by it’s humor and wit. In comics, think of Clowes. Clowes was way more interestin’ to me when he was in his “smart-ass” phase than in his “serious screenwriter comics phase” that he’s in now.

    C’mon who remembers “Hi-Fi Pizza”?

  12. looka says:

    Actually I don’t give a horseapple about what V*** has to say. So, no news for me that Comics Comics is a good place to visit.

    But it’s always good to hear you talk, even if I have to read it.

  13. T Hodler says:

    I prefer I.M.A. Pelican’s explanation to Dan’s. Love it. wife.

    Clowes is better than ever, I think, though probably not as much fun.

  14. Dustin Harbin says:

    I too like Clowes better now–I like his earlier stuff, sure, but now that biting, soul-crushing cynicism is hidden under more layers of artifice and amazingitude (sp?), and it’s not as blistering as it used to be. Less funny maybe, but I’ll take Ice Haven over Lloyd Llewellyn any day, and I liked LLLL.

    But I’m very much a “layman” in my tastes anyway, so we’re on too sides of the same coin. You get excited by the avant garde, and I get excited when it gets a little bit co-opted, is better fed, puts on a little weight. I suspect that staying hungry on the fringes for your entire life is a harsh natural selector for “truly” avant garde artists.

  15. Frank Santoro says:

    yah, its awesome over here on the fringe of the fringe.


  16. T Hodler says:

    I like establishment-bashing stuff, too, Frank. I’m just not worried about it going away. Maybe I’m too optimistic, though.

  17. Frank Santoro says:

    Hey, I’ve been trying to sell-out to the establishment for years, but, sniff, they won’t sign me up! They tell me I can’t draw, need to learn anatomy and tighten up my “inking”.

  18. Dustin Harbin says:

    Ha! Love it. wife.

  19. Dan Nadel says:

    Move it. Life.

  20. looka says:

    Weellll the “est.” thing just needs to tighten up it’s thinking.
    Or loosen up, whatever is better at the moment.

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