Two Links and an Announcement


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Here’s two kinda old links that I never got around to putting up here, but I thought I’d do it now, before I forget:

1. A pretty amazing reflection on Charles Crumb by Spurious.

2. Richard O’Connor on animating with Kim Deitch.

And here’s the announcement: Cage Match 3 is about to begin! Probably tomorrow morning (or Thursday at the latest). Topic: David Heatley‘s My Brain is Hanging Upside Down. Dan’s probably sitting this one out, so your participation will be appreciated. Stay tuned.

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5 Responses to “Two Links and an Announcement”
  1. Marc Arsenault says:

    Given Heatley’s intricate art style and the number of drawing-capable contributors there are likely to be, I’d like to suggest opening this up to graphic contributions (which, since the comments here do not support image embeddin,g would have to be linked out to or done very cleverly) Perhaps a flickr pool? Oh, and, keep it nice. Of course.

  2. Eric Reynolds says:

    Why is Nadel sitting out?

  3. Frank Santoro says:

    Heatley had Paul Pope send over a Batman from the future to break his fingers.

  4. Dan Nadel says:

    Nadel has mixed feelings about what he knows is coming from Santoro. He’s also not in a “critic” kinda mode these days. More like a “promote-the-hell-out-of-the-new-books” and “oh-god-I-hope-Frankfurt-went-well” mode. Also, very busy catching up on episodes of Mad Men.

  5. Frank Santoro says:

    Was Batman in Frankfurt?

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