Various Business


Friday, January 18, 2008

1. I was just beginning to wonder why Eric Reynolds and the Fantagraphics gang weren’t putting up any new posts on the FLOG! blog, and now I know: it’s because they switched their online location. Bookmark it here.

2. An anonymous commenter to our last post pointed out a pretty interesting new interview with Bill Sienkiewicz.

3. Another (!) interview with Frank, this time including a glimpse into PictureBox:

Part One

Part Two

[Not that it matters, but I edited this to change the order of the items; it seemed weird to put so much video up top.]

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7 Responses to “Various Business”
  1. Anonymous says:

    you got a soda on your roof

  2. Frank Santoro says:

    Who is this?

  3. Leon says:

    when i was watching these vids, i thought why don t they still make cold heat as a series of separate comics as originally planned but sell them as a collected package. then th eshops can decide whther to split the pack if they want. would something like that be possible?
    also, would the ‘gn’ still have the adverts and ‘creative writings’?

  4. Christopher says:

    ok, when i was done with this, i watched some of the other vids you guys have up

    what the fuck is playing in the layouts vid? its rad, to rad, and i want to listen to it more

    can i get a heads up?

  5. Frank Santoro says:

    Joe Bradley’s band.

  6. Frank Santoro says:

    Leon, thanks for the comment. Interesting idea. We’ll keep you updated.

  7. Leon says:

    cool! you can really stick it to them better that way! and u dont have to re-print the first ones.
    maybe one day in the future, odd isssues might start turning up separately and some weird future kid will have to use the new internet to find the rest of them.

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