Mike Baron


Friday, December 14, 2007

I take it all back. Steve Rude rules. But I’m saying it for Mike Baron, too. I want to see Nexus be as popular and relevant as it used to be — for Rude, sure, but for Baron more. He’s a great comics writer and I miss his new wave ’80s brand of sci-fi. It feels perfect for today. Kind of P.K. Dick, kind of retro, but still fresh — Baron’s Nexus this time around might just be what comics needs right now.

Baron sounds optimistic in the afterword for Nexus: The Origin: “[Rude] and I expect to spend the next 15 years finishing up our long running, but briefly interrupted saga. And in the end we will hopefully have found ourselves having said it all.”

Baron also explains what happened to issue 100 of Nexus, which has been delayed for months: “Glitches attacked. Nexus 100, already ambitious to start with, grew exponentially as [Rude] painted and expanded the … story.”

Nexus: The Origin is a great deal and a great chance to plug in to the Nexus channel; it’s a reprint of a 1993 Eisner-winning book that retells the Nexus origin story in stunning fashion. Forty-eight pages in full color for four bucks. Rude is awesome. Who cares if he blows his deadlines? Maybe they did this all on purpose to get Nexus fans like me cagey enough to want to abandon all hope only to go bananas for a reprint! It’s almost sad how excited I am about this comic. It’s just so refreshing to see Nexus on the new comics rack. It’s a pretty amazing comic book. Baron and Rude are in a class by themselves.

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8 Responses to “Mike Baron”
  1. BVS says:

    i never properly read nexus, i read a few issues back in the 90’s when it was understood by everyone that you can start in the middle of a comic’s run and putting together the back story piece by piece was something you did on your own time and was part of the fun. i liked what i saw i just never really found more issues nexus that weren’t really out of my back issue price range, and new issues never really showed up with any regularity so that i could get on the boat. it always seemed like something worth revisiting. i guess there are collections now aren’t there?

  2. Frank Santoro says:

    Yeah, the collections are cool. Kinda pricey. I would just try and track down the some old issues –there’s a run in the 20’s that is, for me, their best stuff. The key is just knowing the origin which the current reprint provides. Awesome stuff.

  3. Anonymous says:

    You’ve never had to ride in a car with Baron…

  4. Frank Santoro says:

    Did he try to execute you for crimes against humanity?

  5. Leon says:

    hot link


    scroll down to ‘nexus’

    it is worth the surprise

  6. Frank Santoro says:


  7. BVS says:

    this weekend is did manage to read some of the first nexus collection. and I have to say the thing it reminds me most of is stardust the super wizard, and I have to wonder if Baron and Rude were aware of hanks at the time, or what exactly they make of him now. nobody calls nexus him the most remarkable man who ever existed but he’s all stoic and cold got his own private moon instead of a star and he’s got a pretty similar setup of dedicated to his life to busting crime(against humanity) on the planets.

  8. Matthew H Camp says:

    Nexus, the greatest comic book saga of all time – the only decent competition for the title comes from Dreadstar and the 2nd volume of Alien Legion.

    Please recommend an on-line retailer for purchasing the new issues as they come out!!

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