Posts Tagged ‘Landscapes’

A Classier Post


Friday, April 24, 2009

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I was trolling around the interweb and I found these awesome drawings by Andy Bleck. Mr. Bleck is also a cartoonist. (I believe he’s known as Andy Konky Kru.) There are also a lot of nice drawings made at European comics festivals on the site.

Check out this group of festival drawings with Moebius.

Somehow, these drawings capture more what it’s like to be at these festivals. Photos make it look like everyone’s having a blast, posing for their Facebook pages. The drawings speak to the TIME spent standing around looking when no one’s watching.

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The Diving Bell


Saturday, January 12, 2008

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I’ve heard a lot of cartoonists talking about this dilemma: in order to find all the strength within one to summon up the images needed for the comic, to maintain all the focus and attention to detail necessary, to have an editor’s eye + guiding hand, to be the objective reader who keeps the narrative whole, the artist then suffers the atrophying of other “occular” abilities.

I only draw the landscapes + figures I need for the story. The demands of the story are what engulfs me, so that my waking moments are spent shape-shifting into a camera, a projector. I’m an editing machine that plays my comic on an endless loop for months.

Yet when I’m walking along the Braddock trail with Gretchen and I spy those stacked mills + houses above, I furiously look at EVERYTHING and it inevitably leads me to draw other things, new things that have no place in the narrative other than it is my life, my story — and if I don’t record it here, her, now, it’ll be left on the cutting room floor.

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