On Your Wall for $20!
We’re halfway through our big Comics Comics
fund-raising drive, and we’re still in the red! People ask us constantly when we’re going to publish a new print issue of Comics Comics, and our ongoing debt is a big reason. We have a whole bunch of other potential projects simmering in our heads, too, but need to pay off our debt and raise some capital in order to realize them. Thank you so much to those of you who have already given or purchased—you are bringing the long-awaited debut of a new Comics Comics age that much closer.
In the meantime, between now and the end of the week, we’re going to keep bringing you incredible new offers.
First up, check out our eBay store. We are still offering many of the same great items from before (though note that some have already sold—you have to move fast!): Paintings and drawings from Dash Shaw and Frank Santoro! Rare prints from Ben Jones and Paper Rad! An incredible one-of-a-kind Profanity Hill pledge pack from Jason T. Miles! Original Frank King comic strips! Drawings from Matthew Thurber! And various pledge packs of PictureBox books and comics!
And new today, the following four BUDGET-priced incredible options:
1. A Jim Rugg / Frank Santoro signed silkscreen poster featuring Castle from Cold Heat — TWENTY DOLLARS!
2. A signed copy of the third volume of Frank King’s acclaimed Walt and Skeezix — TWENTY DOLLARS!
3. A signed copy of Dan’s Art in Time: TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS!
4. And, an extra-special offer for those of you who have always wanted to browse through Frankie’s famous long-box sales, but haven’t been able to attend any of the shows where he offers them: a mystery grab-bag of five awesome hard-to-find back issues specially curated by Frank himself.
That’s right: five superb back-issue-bin gems hand-chosen by Frank — TWENTY DOLLARS!
4A. Not a budget item, but a new addition: A page from Jim Rugg’s incredible Cold Heat Special #4 – NINETY NINE DOLLARS!
*And don’t forget!* As the headline should remind, you, for a mere $100, the great Johnny Ryan will draw an 8 x 10 portrait of you, the Comics Comics reader (or person of your choice), being “erotically violated.”
This seems like the perfect gift for any occasion. Dedicated readers choosing this option should first order this “item” via PayPal. Send $100 to orders (at) pictureboxinc (dot) com and include your address and a message. Please also send a photograph to the same email address. Mr. Ryan will then get to work. Allow at least 60 days before delivery.
Finally, if for some reason you’d like to support us, but don’t feel like buying anything in particular on offer, you can tip us any amount you like via the PayPal button below.
Thanks again for your continued patronage!