Someday I’ll Write the Post


Friday, December 15, 2006

There is increasing interaction between images and language. One might say that living in society today is almost like living in a vast comic strip.

Jean-Luc Godard, in Two or Three Things I Know About Her . . .

Having seen only a few of his early films, I don’t quite know what to make of Godard, and I can’t always tell if his statements are profound, pretentious, hollow, or all of the above. This quote, however, struck me as kind of insightful, highlighting the way advertising and other public signage has allowed language to invade the landscape, and how those juxtapostions somewhat resemble the mechanics of comics. Or something like that.

If I was feeling up to it, I’d try to explore the idea further, but last night was the office holiday party, and my brain hurts. It probably works best as just an aphorism (and in its original context) anyway.

BONUS GODARD/COMICS CONNECTION: If his Wikipedia profile can be believed, Godard once told Elliott Gould that his two favorite American writers were Jules Feiffer and Charles Schulz.

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One Response to “Someday I’ll Write the Post”
  1. M. Elias Hiebert says:

    ” . . . the way advertising and other public signage has allowed language to invade the landscape, and how those juxtapostions somewhat resemble the mechanics of comics.”

    I think this is similar to what Tezuka meant when he said we were living in “the age of comics as air.”

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